Request form for participation in Bari-Ship 2025 is now available.

We happily announce you that “Bari-Ship 2025 Participation Request Form” is now open.Bari-Ship 2025 will be held in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture for three days, 22 – 24 May 2025.We will arrange exhibiting space for new exhibitors based on submission date after fixing the location for existing exhibitors in August. To book your space, please submit the “Request Form” NOW.

SHOW Highlights

Bari-Ship exhibition and conference is held in the city of Imabari, home to the largest cluster of maritime-related industries in Japan. The city’s importance in this sector cannot be overstated – shipbuilding companies headquartered in Imabari account for one-third of all commercial tonnage built in Japan each year, while its shipowners control one-third of Japan’s ocean-going fleet. That’s why, every two years, Japan’s shipping industry gathers in Imabari to see the latest developments in maritime technology and to talk business. If you want to meet senior leaders and key management from some of Japan’s most important shipbuilders and ship owners, make sure you join them at Bari-Ship 2025.

Event Scale of BARI-SHIP 2023

Visitors (Forecast)
Exhibition space (sqm)